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Dressage Horse

Ride Well Biomechanics  Workshops

Join our workshops and learn how intrinsic biomechanics affects your riding. We will examine three key areas fundamental to horse rider performance: the pelvis, spine and shoulders. 


Best of all, you will come away with really simple, easy to do exercises at home to make instant improvements in the saddle. 


Workshop 1  - The Pelvis

  • Do you always feel like you ride with one stirrup longer than the other? 

  • Can't seem to sit straight, despite your instructor nagging you? 

  • Ever wondered if you actually have one leg longer than the other? 


This workshop endeavours to answer these questions and more!

Workshop 2 - The Spine

  • Feel like a wonkey donkey, always collapsing one hip? 

  • Wonder why your leg yield goes awray?

  • Spine feels like a plank of wood? 


Find out how to fix these problems and make your spine feel fabulously flexible with this workshop!

Workshop 3 - Shoulders

  • Feeling tense in the saddle? 

  • Shoulders tipping you forwards and affecting your balance?

  • Lower leg shooting backwards and toppling you over the horse's shoulders? 


This workshop will leave your shoulders feeling super!

These workshops can be booked as a triology or as one off sessions

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